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Regular price $15.00 Sale

  • Comb wax in a 1 lb jar filled with liquid honey
  • Local Augusta, Georgia Honey
  • Heavily Holly and Privet based with other wild flowers
  • Light amber color honey
  • Pairs well with cheese, fruits and wine.
  • Limited supply 

You've heard the expression "Busy as a Bee" haven't you.  Well nothing can be more true because bees are industrious creatures constantly at work making products for the hive.  The main two are honey and beeswax.  The bees produce little sheets of wax under their bellies and use this to make the classic hexagon honeycomb shape we all recognize.  These are called cells individually and are where the bees either raise brood (baby bees) or put honey to store and feed the hive.  Wax cells in the bottom of the hive are mainly used for rearing larvae and making new bees while the honey in the top of the hive is for storing honey.  We collect this honey in what are called "honey supers" placed on top of each hive. Bees forage from dusk to dawn looking for flowers to gather nectar.  They then bring this nectar back to the hive and place it into those wax cells and allow it to evaporate by fanning it with their wings.  Once it has evaporated to the proper moisture content they then cap it with wax and seal it in for safe keeping.   Once capped we then harvest the honey but leave enough for the bees to have to feed the colony.  We cut the comb out and put it into jars and back fill them with liquid honey to top it off.  The  wax comb is edible and can be spread on to toast, eaten with cheeses and fruit and paired with certain wines.  Some people like to chew it like you are eating gum.  Our supply is very limited so we hope you get to try some of ours today before we run out.